Vision S60 Suspension Elliptical

Vision S60 Suspension Elliptical

The vision S60 is one of our most robust Ellipticals we offer.  It is designed to go into hotels, apartments, corporate gyms, rehab clinics, or homes where an institutional elliptical is needed for heavier use. With an easy step in frame and a super quiet stride it has become one of our most popular ellipticals for our light commercial customers as well as our home users. Now offering a large touch-screen console with popular apps and entertainment options for those longer workouts!



The vision S60 is one of our most robust Ellipticals we offer.  It is designed to go into hotels, apartments, corporate gyms, rehab clinics, or homes where an institutional elliptical is needed for heavier use. With an easy step in frame and a super quiet stride it has become one of our most popular ellipticals for our light commercial customers as well as our home users. Now offering a large touch-screen console with popular apps and entertainment options for those longer workouts!

Please call for updated pricing.